Thursday, July 29, 2010

China Unicom: Unicom Edition iPhone next year or compatible WIFI

Recently, media reports against China Unicom [6.42 1.10%] iPhone device may ban WIFI (wireless technology), will the relevant departments of China Unicom said yesterday, the first five listed non-iPhone products will function with WIFI.

China Unicom (HK: 00762) Latest Price: 11.04 0.18 1.6% market trend to larger corporate news ratings for China Unicom's general manager of terminal operations Unicom Huasheng in Britain tao that by the end of Unicom version of iPhone mobile phone will not function with WIFI . "We believe that the present free WIFI hot spots in the country is also not very popular, and the iPhone without WIFI function, nor will the consumer experience of 3G services will significantly affect the application." But he said China Unicom is actively working with Apple communication companies, hoping to produce the iPhone Apple phone with WIFI function of domestic technical standards also support WAPI.

Unicom said it will launch in late October in the iPhone. Users can purchase in two ways: one is to buy bare, now within the company news that China Unicom, bare metal prices will be around 5,000 yuan; one is adding iPhone package, enjoy the purchase subsidies, iPhone packages from 126 to 886 yuan 8 file. This month, China Unicom 3G services in 285 cities nationwide official business, China Unicom's 3G network uses the WCDMA downlink speeds of up to 7.2M.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

J2SE 1.5 version of the new features list

To the end of 2003, J2SE1.5 the beta version will be released. This release and has now been released J2SE1.4 two updates 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 are the 2003 JavaOne Conference as the expected release. If you did not attend the conference, or would like to re-review, so here are brief summaries of the conference.

J2SE 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 Releases

When 1.4.1 (codename "Hopper") issued in September 2002 and its follow-up version 1.4.2 (codename "Mantis") in January 2003 when the release schedule has been repaired over 4000 of the bug and is still in repair.

銆??鍦↗2SE1.5鐨勬柊鐗规?涓紝灏嗘坊鍔犱竴浜涗紬浜烘湡寰呭凡涔呯殑鍔熻兘锛屾瘮濡傚Itenium CPU鐨勫畬鍏ㄦ敮鎸侊紱Swing鐨勭敤鎴峰皢鐪嬪埌涓や釜鍏ㄦ柊鐨勫唴寤篖ook & Feels锛屼竴涓槸Windows XP椋庢牸锛屼竴涓狦TK椋庢牸锛涘悓鏃跺惎鍔ㄦ椂闂翠笂涔熸湁鏀硅繘銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄦ湇鍔″櫒绔殑澧炲己涓昏鍖呭惈浜嗕袱涓柊澧炵殑GC锛屼竴涓苟琛屾爣璁版竻鎵畻娉曪紙concurrent mark and sweep algorithm锛夊拰绫讳技骞磋交绌洪棿鏀堕泦锛坧arallel young space collector锛夈?杩欎袱涓柊鐨凣C鑳介?杩囩紪璇戠殑鍙傛暟鏉ヨ皟鐢細-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 鍜?-XX:+UseParallelGC銆?br />
銆??鎺ヤ笅鏉ワ紝濡備綍杩愮敤杩欎簺鍙傛暟鏉ヨ皟鏁寸郴缁熺殑鏈?匠鎬ц兘灏辨槸鎴戜滑鍦↗2SE1.5涓渶瑕佸涔犲拰鐞嗚В鐨勪簡銆?br />
銆??J2SE 1.5 Release

銆??J2SE 1.5锛堝紑鍙戜唬鍙封?Tiger鈥濓級鏄疛ava骞冲彴鍜岃瑷?笂鐨勪竴涓噸瑕佷慨鏀癸紝鐩墠涓昏鍖呮嫭浜?5涓狫SR鐨勮姹傚拰鍏朵粬涓?簺绫讳技鐨勬洿鏂般?杩欐鐨凴elease涓昏鍏虫敞浜庡嚑涓叧閿殑涓婚锛氫富瑕佹槸鍝佽川锛岀洃瑙嗗拰绠$悊锛屾?鑳藉拰鍙墿灞曟?锛岃交鏉剧殑寮?彂浠ュ強妗岄潰瀹㈡埛绔?

銆??Ease of Development锛堣交鏉剧殑寮?彂锛?br />
銆??浣犲彲鑳藉凡缁忓惉鍒拌繃浜嗗叧浜庡噺杞诲紑鍙戦毦搴﹁?鍋氱殑Java璇█涓婄殑淇敼銆傝繖娆2SE鏍规嵁JSR鐨勮姹傚疄鐜颁互涓嬪嚑涓狫SR锛欽SR 201 鍖呭惈浜?涓慨鏀癸紱JSR 175鐨勬牳蹇冩槸鏀寔鍏冩暟鎹紙metadata锛夛紝鑰孞SR 14鍒欒鑼冧簡娉涘瀷銆?br />
銆??鍏冩暟鎹姛鑳芥彁渚涗簡澹版槑寮忕殑寮?彂锛屽苟涓斿彇浠d簡涓?簺宸ュ叿鐨勪唬鐮佺敓鎴愬拰缁存姢鍔熻兘銆傛硾鍨嬫彁鍗囦簡鏃犻渶鎵嬪姩杞瀷锛坢anual casting锛夌殑浠g爜澶嶇敤锛岄?甯竚anual casting閮戒細甯︽潵绫诲瀷瀹夊叏鎬т笂鐨勪竴浜涢棶棰樸?

銆??鍙﹀鐨勫洓涓慨鏀瑰垎鍒槸锛?br />
銆??鐢╢or寰幆鏉ラ亶鍘嗗鍣紙Collection 绫诲瀷锛夛紝鑰屼笉闇?鏄惧紡鐨勫0鏄庡鍣ㄧ殑杩唬鍣紙Iterator锛?

銆??鏋氫妇绫诲瀷鎻愪緵浜嗚秴瓒婄被浼糵inal static int鐨勶紝澧炲己鐨勭被鍨嬪畨鍏ㄦ?锛?br />
銆??褰撳湪娉涘瀷涓娇鐢ㄥ熀鏈暟鎹被鍨嬶紙Primitive Types锛夌殑鏃跺?鎻愪緵鑷姩瑁呯锛坅utoboxing锛夊姛鑳斤紙鍘熸潵鐨勬硾鍨嬩腑鏄笉鑳戒娇鐢ㄥ熀鏈被鍨嬬殑锛夛紱

銆??寮曞叆浜嗛潤鎬佸父閲忥紙static constants锛夌被鏀硅繘鏄惧紡鐨勫叡浜竴涓潤鎬佹暟鎹紱

銆??涓轰簡瀹炵幇杞绘澗鐨勫紑鍙戯紝闄や簡璇█涓婄殑淇敼涔嬪锛岃繕鏈変竴浜涢澶栫殑涓滆タ锛屾瘮濡備竴浜涙?蹇祊rintf鍑芥暟鐨勪細鍙戠幇瀹冨張鍥炴潵浜嗭紱涓?釜鏂扮殑骞跺彂宸ュ叿锛堝湪JSR 166涓彁鍙婏級灏嗕娇寰楀绾跨▼缂栫▼鍙樼殑鏇村姞绠?崟杞绘澗銆?br />
銆??Scalability and Performance锛堝彲鎵╁睍鎬у拰鎬ц兘锛?br />
銆??J2SE 1.5鐗堟湰灏嗘壙璇烘敼杩涘彲鎵╁睍鎬у拰鎬ц兘锛屽挨鍏舵槸鍦ㄥ惎鍔ㄦ椂闂村拰鍐呭瓨鍗拌锛坢emory footprint锛変笂锛屽皢浣垮緱鐢ㄦ埛鑳戒互鏈?揩鐨勯?搴﹀彂甯冧竴涓簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忋?浠嶫SR 163涓婂皢瀹炵幇鍐呭缓鐨勬?鑳藉伐绋嬶紙Performance ergonomics锛夊拰涓姛鑳藉己鍔茬殑API profile宸ュ叿銆?br />
銆??Monitoring and Manageability锛堢洃瑙嗗拰绠$悊锛?br />
銆??鐩戣鍜岀鐞嗘槸Tiger涓殑涓?釜涓昏鐗规?銆傞偅浜涘湪J2EE骞冲彴涓婁娇鐢↗MX鐨勫紑鍙戣?灏嗛潪甯稿紑蹇冪殑鐪嬪埌杩欐牱鐨勭壒鎬ц兘鍦↗2SE涓疄鐜般?閫氳繃瀵笿VM鐨勭洃瑙嗭紝灏嗗厑璁稿宸插彂甯冪殑搴旂敤绋嬪簭鍋ュ悍鎬х殑瀹屽叏妫?煡锛屽寘鎷搴曞眰鍐呭瓨娉勬紡妫?祴锛岄敊璇鐞嗙敋鑷虫槸API 鍫嗘爤璺熻釜锛坰tack trace锛夌殑鐩戣銆?br />
銆??Core XML Support锛堟牳蹇冪殑XML鏀寔锛?br />
銆??J2SE 1.5鐨勪粙缁嶈淇敼涓篨ML鐨勬牳蹇冨钩鍙帮紝琛ㄧずJava鐨勬牳蹇傾PI灏嗗寘鎷簡XML1.1锛孲AX 2.0鍜孌OM Level3銆俉eb service鏂归潰鐨凙PI锛孞AX-RPC锛屽拰JAXB灏嗙户缁嚭鐜板湪Web Service鐨勫寘涓紝鍦ㄤ互鍚庣殑鏂扮増鏈腑杩欎簺API灏嗚娣诲姞鍒版牳蹇傾PI涓幓銆?br />
銆??Desktop Client锛堟闈㈠鎴风锛?br />
銆??鏈?悗涓?釜閲嶇偣鐨勬柊鐗规?鏄闈㈠鎴风銆傝繖灏嗗甫鏉ュ嚑涓唴寤虹殑鏂扮殑Look & Feels鏀寔锛屽苟涓斿寮轰簡瀵圭毊鑲わ紙skins锛夌殑鏀寔銆傞櫎浜嗗惎鍔ㄩ?搴﹀拰鍐呭瓨鍗拌鐨勫寮猴紝妗岄潰寮?彂鑰呭張澶氫簡鍑犱釜鍊煎緱鏈熷緟鐨勬柊鐗规?銆?br />
銆??Unicode 3.1 Support锛堝Unicode 3.1鐨勬敮鎸侊級

銆??32浣嶇殑浠g悊瀛楃锛坰urrogate character锛夋敮鎸佸皢浼氬緢璋ㄦ厧鐨勬坊鍔犲埌鏂扮殑鐗堟湰涓紝鎵?互1.5鐗堟湰灏嗕粛鐒朵娇鐢?6浣嶇殑char绫诲瀷銆?br />
銆??New IO Support锛堟柊鐨処O鏀寔锛?br />
銆??鏂扮増鏈皢鎻愪緵瀵瑰紓姝O鐨勬敮鎸侊紝骞朵笖鏀寔鍦ㄥ钩鍙颁腑閫傚綋鐨勫湴鏂瑰紑鎷撴洿娣卞叆鐨勪娇鐢ㄨ繖浜汚PI銆?br />
銆??鏈変簡J2SE 1.4.2鍜孞2SE1.5锛孞ava鐨勫紑鍙戣?浠皢鎷ユ湁涓?釜婵?姩浜哄績鐨勪竴骞淬?


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